Cinnamon Swizzle, commonly referred to as cinnamon infused simple syrup, can be added to numerous cocktails to create complexity or enhance and compliment the flavor in the drink.
Try using cinnamon infused simple syrup where plain simple syrup is called for in cocktails with flavors that might compliment cinnamon such as apple, pear or cranberry flavored cocktails. Cinnamon infused simple syrup is also a key component of many tiki cocktails, with the encoded “Donn’s Mix” found in many Tiki Cocktails revealed as 2 parts cinnamon infused simple syrup and 1 part fresh grapefruit juice.
2-3 Cinnamon sticks
1 cup Demarara sugar
1 cup water
Bring the water to a boil. Add sugar and stir constantly until completely dissolved Add the cinnamon stick and simmer for 5-8 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Strain into a bottle and refrigerate. Use for up to 2 weeks.